Saturday, October 24, 2009

A collection of my thoughts

Due to some things that I have happened I have been forced to withdraw this from my blog. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Greetings again my friends

Sorry guys about keeping you hanging in there, it's been on hell of the past few days so I didn't think it was the best to write knowing that I might say something that I regret.

I was reflecting on what I could possibly talk about and in the recent week I've been struck with so many issues to do with faith and God and it is for this reason that I thought that I might just share a few points about my faith in God and in Christ.

It's a really huge story that I can't get through in one hit so just showing certain aspects of my Christian life might be easier for everyone to follow.

So anyway....It first started way back in year 4 when I moved to a Catholic school. I had RE most days and I was involved with some masses at the school. I didn't quite understand what I was getting myself into. I spoke to my parents about getting baptised in the Catholic Church (I was baptised by water in the Anglican Church) and we discussed it for a while, we even spoke to the school's sister; nothing eventuated though. When it came to moving to a high school, my parents thought that I should go private rather than public.

Whilst I was [there] I got in some pretty heavy stuff. I decided to become a Buddhist after hearing an RE lesson on the topic but it never really developed into anything. Then came the satanic stuff. I got into Magic and worshipping devils and such. I even considered myself a prophet and a medium. I realise now that the marks of those days still affect me now. I think it was mostly due to escape though. I was bullied a lot and I think that when I was in those states I had power. I would create this little world of my own where I was the boss and everything was dictated by me, a tyrant to those who disobeyed and challenged me. It was whilst this happened that I found the Christian God and started to accept that way of life. My conversion to Christianity was heavily influenced by a combination of two things. My love for fantasy and my love for power. So what got me into worshipping devils and stuff, carried over to what I wanted to get out of my relationship with God. This never really got me anywhere though. I was in worship one minute and the next I'd be going off and drawing or trying to converse with the dead.

I wasn't a good Christian was I?

Next week I'll be looking more into my past in the satanic and I'll also be talking about something that's actually deep to my heart, social justice. So two blog posts will be on the cards for next week, can't wait!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First things first....

So this is my first entry on and I thought that this should be directed towards just introducing my self and providing you as a reader a brief over view of the different things that I'm passionate about.

Hi everyone my name is Blaze, I currently live Australia and I am 19 years of age. I was raised in the Catholic School System which has provided me with a Catholic bases to my Christian faith. During my final few years of high school I got involved with a youth ministry in my school and this gave me a multi denominational faith. I'll share more about how this influenced my whole life workings later on.

This has also lead on to other things with my involvement with numerous ministries in my area, varying from being a supporter to being in the youth band playing on bass. This has given me the opportunity to meet so many awesome and influential people and has brought more depth to my understanding of Christ, the Church and the wider community. One of the most notable of these people was a man named Darrell Scott who shared how his daughter, Rachel Scott, led a selfless life until her death in the Columbine Shootings of 1999 aged only 17. I wept like a baby that day and gave a standing ovation for a man with so much courage that he would share something so personal with a stadium of strangers. I am also apart of various other ministries around the world, such as X3Church, Exodus International and Hillsong London.

I have a passion for reading and writing, music (both listening and writing lyrics and accompaniment) and also education. I am currently studying Enrolled Nursing at a local community college, which will hopefully lead onto missionary work in the future. I have already gone to the Solomon Islands and plan on going to Russia or Tanzania it the coming years. I have a passion for God, a passion for Social Justice and an over all passion for helping people. But it wasn't always like this. I have struggled with issues of depression and anxiety, was diagnosed with borderline Autism and Asperses at the age of 12 and I struggle with identity issues that have ruled my life for quite some time.

That’s all for my first post. Sorry if it seemed scatted at all, just wanted to give you a brief overview of everything. I will share all of these things in more depth in the coming weeks when I get sometime to get stuff down on paper.