Thursday, January 28, 2010

So I thought...

Tonight I thought I could just write a few things down to show you guys how I feel currently in terms of life and things. It’ll be short…mostly due to time restraints.

- The past few months have been rocky for me, I think this has had to do with my study and transition from teen life in to adulthood. It's something that everyone has to go through and even though I keep reminding myself of that it doesn't help much with it. I still feel shit when I keep on telling people that I'm fine and then when I ask for advice I get guilty, ashamed that I've yet again over stepped the mark when it comes to my relationship with others and my relationship with God. I am not prepared to bare all my soul with going into the details of what happened but I can say that I have disrespected myself, my friends, my family and God. (I might go into it later on when I have the courage.)

- Something else I've had to deal with is the realisation of turning 20 this year and that this realisation really scares me. Uncertainty due to immaturity is probably the cause of this but I do hope that I can grow as a person as I go into the unknown.

- My difficulty in not over analysing things has come to the fore front of my mind due to something that happened recently at work. I am praying that being able to stop doing this and moving on will come soon…I guess that I just need to gain the wisdom to do so…and I know exactly where to go for that ;).

- Lastly, I have to make a lot of choices these coming weeks; from involvement with the ministry to how many hours I will need to put in to be top of the class this semester to get into the hospital’s student nursing program. I’m just praying that I make the right decisions…but I guess if I do I know what not to do next time :).

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