Saturday, August 7, 2010

Back to safety

Crawling through darkness,
Fields of the night.
I look up to see a city on a hill,
But I'm to weak to climb.

Stars they fall around me,
And breathe more death into my soul
My thoughts they turn to what it was like in that city upon the hill.

I was in the mist of righteous men
But now that death has birthed in me I can only hope for those days again.
Where I was happy.
Where I felt loved.
And where I knew that He lived within me.

Back and forth I pace,
Fighting demons inside my head.
The wasteland that I inhabit,
I make it my rock and my bed.

I pray that dawn will come soon enough,
So I might be able to see through the darkness.
To climb the hill.
To break these chains,
That hold me down.

Oh God, I pray...
Please give me strength to make it there,
To make the climb.
Please give me more then hope,
Give me faith to make it through this night.
Guide me oh Lord. Please show me life.
Make this the end of my darkness and the start of seeing the truth that is You.


  1. It started out as a poem although I want to adapt a song from it.
